Sunday, May 20, 2007

Mr.McCoy Fanfiction

So Morning Bell and I were having an imagination fit one day, and we had a stroke. A stroke of genius. And we both died later that day.

Now, from the land of ghosts, we will publish the product of extreme mental deterraformation, a completely absurd adventure across space and time with our sixth-grade Earth-Science teacher Mr.McCoy. We have chosen him for no reason. Absolutely no reason. We are not deranged, obsessive manics, and we do not worship him or do anything to promote the idea that we idolize him or whatever. We just kind of...picked him. Like, a spur-of-the-moment kind of thing.

There will be production journals, storyboards, audio of the creators (us) brainstorming and reading aloud, and other goodies we think of. It will be referential, incomprehensible, and more over displeasing to anyone who reads it, so be forewarned. Which I assume is like, being warned ahead of time, which is kind of a given if your being warned about something. I mean, you can't warn somebody about something as it happens or after it happens, that just doesn't make sense.
Which make it even more appropriate.

Check check it (yeah)...
Cause we are the aqua teens, make the homies say ho and the girlies wanna scream! Cause we are the aqua teens, make the homies say ho and the girlies wanna scream! Aqua teen hunger force: number one in the hood, G!
Parking Structure Planet